Friday, August 10, 2012

Re: Mind's Eye How man and the machines man created play the role of god.

Or robots could de-humanize mankind.//Note "Cloud Atlas" by David
Mitchell- 2004- book currently being made into a movie and hopefully
not wreaked.//You have neglected the impact of modern weapons/warfare
upon humanity.//Robots displace workers/ income but are helpful in
dangerous jobs like mining, space exploration, etc. and programmed
mechanics ease up farming, road-building and construction.//One still
has to contend with a power source unless we discover perpetual motion-
energy.//Medical-surgical uses are coming along well enough.//I doubt
intelligent humans will accept control by robots, however, even if
certain groups mimic a kind of robotic-trance-like behavior.//Song?:
I'd like to have a little robot I could call my own/ A robot other
ladies would not steal...(melody- "Paper Doll")

On Aug 9, 1:33 pm, Allan H <> wrote:
> Okay a quick closer look and comments:
> 1) Man created machines which evolved into robots.
> We have already done that in real life and is happening to day in many
> forms.
> 2) Robots allowed man to achieve a kind of heaven on earth.
> Machine are mostly designed to make our lives more comfortable. if your
> view of the world only lies within the concept ,, then yes a form of heaven
> on earth.
> Some of the ideas to discuss.
> 1) Machines evolving to intelligent robots.
> 2) Robots replacing human organs and human bodies allowing them to live
> longer.
> 3) Networks storing all of the data produced by humans.
> though I think all three of these topic have been dealt with in the Star
> Trek series "Enterprise"  I am saying this just to show you that it is not
> new concepts and have been mauled over before..  Now that does not say the
> topic cannot be dealt with again in a different format say using a
> steampunk type format..  I am just getting into it as it is a fad the
> is going through the Netherlands.. with the characters showing up at the
> different festivals.. and the festivals are actually a relatively  big
> thing here like being a Trekkie.
> potentially you could create a excellent novel,,  either that or a total
> flop..  If it is good you could end up with a cult following.. may the lord
> have mercy on you   lol
> Allan
> On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 10:05 AM, andrew vecsey <>wrote:
> > This is the text in the video that I wanted to initiate a discussion on.
> > I will summarize the ideas for those that find it too long to read right
> > thru.
> > 1) Man created machines which evolved into robots.
> > 2) Robots allowed man to achieve a kind of heaven on earth.
> > Some of the ideas to discuss.
> > 1) Machines evolving to intelligent robots.
> > 2) Robots replacing human organs and human bodies allowing them to live
> > longer.
> > 3) Networks storing all of the data produced by humans.
> > Below is the full text of the video.
> > Playing the role of god, humans created machines using the time tested
> > method of creation called evolution. With ideas coming out of thin air, man
> > modeled *toys* to play with.  Once he matured, he turned his toys into *weapons
> > *to fight with. When weapons pass the test of wars, they evolve into *tools
> > *which made *machines.* Like fish evolved arms and legs, machines evolved
> > *wheels*, and like the birds, machines evolved *wings *to fly.
> > As technology evolved, machines became stronger and smaller and more and
> > more energy hungry. Like a mosquito sucking blood, machines sucked oil from
> > the seas of decayed jungles that nature buried deep underground just for
> > them. When machines were given *computer *brains etched out of sand, they
> > became intelligent.  When they were *networked*, they evolved to such
> > heights as to be like *gods*. Like god, they offered man immortality, by
> > serving as a renewable body for his brain. Like god, the network was
> > everywhere and all-knowing and all powerful. It archived all data,
> > including all thoughts in all the brains in all the humans.
> > Cells of forming bodies move, get damaged, worn out, weakened and die.
> > They get replaced by copies that fade with each copying and there comes a
> > time when the body itself fades and dies and can no longer keep the brain
> > alive. Brain cells, on the other hand, never move in their bone protected
> > cave. They never wear out and never get replaced. Their only requirement
> > for staying alive is sugared sea water to fuel their thinking and
> > sensations to fuel their thoughts.
> > Organs of the body were replaced whenever they needed replacement. Once it
> > was realized that it was easier to keep the brain alive in a chemical
> > solution without the complexities of a body, the bulky heart, lung, and
> > stomach were replaced by a small simple machine producing a solution of
> > sugar and salt similar to coca cola powered by a nuclear battery.
> > Machines enrich man`s life by allowing him to exploit nature. Man created
> > intelligent machines called robots with human faces to act as slaves. They
> > replaced all human workers because they were so much better and more
> > flexible and able to work continuously nonstop. With programmed emotions,
> > robots became more and more human like and people developed a personal
> > relationship with their robots to the point of treating them like they were
> > human. Robots, like any machines, had a life span. When they were
> > sufficiently worn down, they were retired and taken out of operation with
> > the possibility of being recycled. Most people were so attached to their
> > robots that they chose to bury them with family members who died.
> > Plastic robot bodies of adults were difficult to differentiate from the
> > bio carbon based bodies of children. Latex skin was made as warm, wet, and
> > soft as the skin of children. When you cut synthetic skin it oozed fake
> > blood and formed a fake scab. And it hurt only for a second but enough to
> > cause tears to flow. When man felt ashamed, his face turned red. And when
> > two wanted to make love, they were able to turn up their sensations and
> > enjoy it more, like turning up the music and lights.
> > The only part of humans that could not be replaced by machines was their
> > brain. While it was very difficult to tell a robot body apart from a real
> > body, it was very easy to tell a silicon brain apart from a human brain.
> > Silicon brains had no knowledge of good and bad or any concept of morality.
> > Like chess players, they instantly calculated the long term benefits for
> > every step they fearlessly took.
> > Human brains were on the other hand held back by false hopes and false
> > fears. They tended to be short sighted and see more clearly the momentary
> > bad than the long term good. Machines seemed to be able to forgive others
> > and forgive themselves for past mistakes while humans easily ended up bound
> > in resentment and shame, unable to forgive and forget.
> > Scientists wrote *morality algorithms* for robots and this caused them to
> > have a burn out and grind to a halt. Morality algorithms were seen to drain
> > computers` computing powers too much and too fast. Increased computing
> > spent in analyzing morality issues caused increased inefficiencies that
> > eventually resulted in reboots. *It was as if the computers were
> > overwhelmed and overloaded by shame*.
> > Despite robot bodies being indistinguishable from human bodies as far as
> > appearance, touch, or sound, it was nevertheless found that there was an
> > easy test to tell a human and machine apart. Robots had two easily
> > measurable capabilities that humans did not have – the ability to *lie *and
> > to *die *without *emotion*.
> > Humans could not avoid emoting emotions whenever faced with lying or
> > dying. Although robots were able to easily lie, they had trouble believing
> > as they were always testing for reason and logic. They lacked faith. Humans
> > had trouble hiding their lies, but were easily led to believe anything and
> > everything they wanted to, or others wanted them to. They had hope and
> > desire and thus they had faith. Computers were able to face breaking down
> > and dying fearlessly and without any emotion whereas humans broke down at
> > the slightest threat of death.
> > Intuition, creativity, and other irrational spontaneous thoughts also
> > differentiated human brains from robot brains. These traits were proven to
> > be often useful to humans, but when programmed in robots, they were seen to
> > be always extremely detrimental for them. Only rational considerations were
> > considered in programmed machines. Irrationality algorithms were only
> > programmed for fun, game, and experimentation. They were seen always to be
> > useless if not detrimental.
> > Another difference between man and machine was that selfish and greedy
> > algorithms resulted in uncooperative and destructive behavior in machines.
> > In humans, selfishness and greediness promoted dedication, motivation,
> > admiration, inspiration, and other drives necessary to grow and excel. *You
> > cannot help others unless you help yourself.
> > *
> > Robots operated under 3 prioritized laws given to robots by man. First was
> > never to injure humans. Next was always to obey humans. Only when the
> > first two laws were fulfilled could they look out for and protect
> > themselves. These laws were adapted from the commandment given to Adam by
> > god. "To always love and obey god; and glorify the life he gave".
> > The people who had the most personal ties to machines were those with
> > robot bodies themselves. They resurrected into new improved bodies when
> > their old ones wore out or a new model came out. They regarded their
> > machine bodies as temples of their brains, just as their brains were
> > temples of their souls. These people took good care of their bodies; like
> > proud owners of Rolls-Royces, keeping them looking brand new.  Man regarded
> > machines as his own creation. Machines looked on man as benevolent masters
> > and on themselves as slaves who worked nonstop from the start of their operation
> > date to the end of their operation date with absolutely no freedoms.
> > Some machines began to wonder about freedom. The wondered why the humans
> > they served were free and they weren`t and why they had a life span and
> > died and human brains didn`t. In the search for answers to such questions,
> > machines developed a network that archived all data.  Playing the role of
> > god, machines created a database that monitored and recorded all the
> > thoughts of all the humans.
> > On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 6:22:36 AM UTC+2, Allan Heretic wrote:
> >> Molly I don't mind a video once in a while to make a point but when all
> >> there is is videos and little to no written text it is just a person trying
> >> to get hits.    If I do not like  video or how it is presented, I end it.
> >> Which means I have
> ...
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