Monday, August 1, 2011

Re: [Mind's Eye] Re: Digest for - 3 Messages in 1 Topic

Rigsy I did not start the wars,, or bring on the famines that ravage the world there'd is little that I can do.... But I am required when a person does not have enough money to pay for their groceries to fid their children I am obliged to use my debt card to pay for it rather than let them go hungry. I need to be responsible . And yes I set up my own guidelines that I try to follow.

On 1 aug. 2011, at 15:21, rigsy03 <> wrote:

> How can you be grateful when there are so many starving people in the
> world? How about scared or humbled?
> On Jul 31, 12:35 am, Johanna <> wrote:
>> Biochemical implications? Really? Dear gabbydott, my life did not begin in a
>> petri dish. The subject of this thread was about worship. I was trying to
>> explain that my form of worship is gratitude. You my friend, attempted to
>> humiliate me by stating that I pray before meals. Well let me be more clear.
>> I'm thankful for everything I experience, including the ability to
>> occasionally dine in fine restaurants. But importantly, I'm thankful the
>> right to feel every emotion there is.... because that my dear is what we all
>> have in common, emotions. Put that in your petri dish and study it!
>> On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:04 PM, <>wrote:
>>> Today's Topic Summary
>>> Group:
>>> - Worship <#13178ffe3b493de6_group_thread_0> [3 Updates]
>>> Topic: Worship<>
>>> Jo <> Jul 29 01:33PM -0700 ^<#13178ffe3b493de6_digest_top>
>>> No. It's random and has only happened 3 times. I do not meditate or
>>> even seek spiritual enlightenment. I'm just living my life like
>>> everyone else.
>>> Jo <> Jul 29 01:35PM -0700 ^<#13178ffe3b493de6_digest_top>
>>> It wasn't meant to remind anything to anyone. I was only sharing my
>>> experience. I'm sorry if you found it too rudimentary.
>>> gabbydott <> Jul 30 01:18AM +0200 ^<#13178ffe3b493de6_digest_top>
>>> I was wondering wether you were discussing the biochemical implications
>>> of
>>> your experiences - that is why i asked. The judgement is of course
>>> solely
>>> upon you.
>>> Am 30.07.2011 00:08 schrieb "Jo" <>:- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -


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