rule behind everything. With the right timing everything can fall into
place beautifully or just be a wreck.
On 5/2/2011 9:00 PM, rigsy03 wrote:
> One can identify with minds that lived hundreds of years ago so time
> does not matter, really.
> Maybe you are talking about control as I think there are always going
> to be great differences in values, thinking and behavior. We deal with
> these differences in positive or negative ways derived from family,
> education and other meaningful realtionships. We might feel threatened
> by differences- could this be a throwback to survival skills? Would
> you prefer humanity to all be the same? Where do we get the idea that
> relationships can be ideal in a static sense? And maybe we allow
> others to run all over us allowing ourselves to be a martyr or carry a
> chip on our shoulder. I have found that compromise and trying to
> understand another's point of view can be challenging yet, if
> successful, can be like an epiphany and quite beautiful- in this case,
> timing matters a great deal. :-)
> On May 2, 11:57 am, " kid"<> wrote:
>> at the first glance of your reply came a thought to my mind about collective
>> consciousness...rather a question...does the collective consciousness exist
>> independently...what does it mean put it crudely is it the
>> realisation that you are not the only phenomena..but what i feel is
>> very difficult to transcend ones own person...but is it important....why do
>> we really get irritated with self absorbed or self seeking people....why do
>> we condemn any sense...are we so insecure as to feel
>> deprived because of that ...or is it something more.. i hope i make sense..
>> and i hope you get waht i am trying to ask...i would like all to
>> answer...cos i really want to know....
>> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 7:36 PM, DarkwaterBlight<>wrote:
>>> This take appeals to my understanding. Perpetually changing, evolving
>>> and reforming. Input has an outcome and causes an expanded "mind
>>> space", if you will. Is logic all logical and what is to be said about
>>> rationalizing the "irrational"? Should my thinking be correct by the
>>> standards of others or to my own? What of "raising the bar" in
>>> consciousness and of a paradigm shift to a more correct thinking of
>>> our "collective mind" ? Of all that goes into into thought and mind is
>>> this not the desired effect?
>>> On Apr 30, 9:23 am, " kid"<> wrote:
>>>> might thought be colored by the mind that engages it ....what is the
>>> realm
>>>> of pure thought that you mention here .... is it logic and
>>>> you mean the method of employing that
>>> thought...because
>>>> ....knowing...percieving something for the first time the mind will
>>>> automatically fall back on the things it thinks it does know....
>>>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Chad Moore<> wrote:
>>>>> Knowledge unites, in being or in identity. Thinking separates, in
>>>>> subject-object relationship.
>>>>> Knowing has no place in the ordinary thought process. Thinking about
>>>>> something
>>>>> which has to be known is wrong, since it moves in a vicious circle. You
>>>>> cannot think
>>>>> of anything you have not known. Such thinking can never take you to the
>>>>> Truth.
>>>>> But when you direct your thought to something (say yourself) which you
>>> have
>>>>> otherwise
>>>>> visualized, the thought loses its own characteristics and limits, and
>>>>> stands
>>>>> revealed as that Self (Consciousness) itself. Thought is thus reduced
>>> into
>>>>> its essence.
>>>> --
>>>> \--/ Peace- Hide quoted text -
>>>> - Show quoted text -
>> --
>> \--/ Peace- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
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