actually be a bad thing , possible misinterpretation or fowl play by
the church , catholic vadocin is obviously hideing somthing and has
changed the bible in the past , i belive one recorded instance was
in ?161 AD ? , the council of elders under constentine , i think
thoughs facts r right , if there hideing somthing what , and how far
back does it go , god forgive me if im wrong , but was paul the real
anti christ ? he chased thomas out of jerusalem to the east , to kill
him , but he said jesus appeared and stopped him , paul then hedded to
the medateranian to eventually be crucified upsidedown , i think
thomas wrote and hid the dead sea scrolls , but neather paul nor
thomas was correct because they where bolth correct which means they
were bolth wrong !?! what one had the other missed , its very
complicated .
also ive been comparing and cross referancing several religious /
philisofical ideas since i was about 13 , as a result of, well ...
calling the devil out to a fight during a shamanistic typ ... umm
hell i dont know !? which all came fom a pritty average up
bringing , sort of odd to say the least . my family is not ultra
religious by any means nor r they TOTAL F ups but rather average , i
told my father i wanted to go to school for phylosaphy at 17 ish , he
told me to go to school for somthing real ... god bless him , he needs
it ! _ never went 4 it
so esentally ive spent most of my life in my head figguring things
out - exploring the sub concious mind taken into consideration that
this mind is mine , and ive come a long way through alot of not so
average struggles , i remember my mother used to tell me , and
sometimes still trys to ( but i can see in here eye that it pains her
to know that its a lie ) " Iknow u better than you know yourself " she
would say . i feel this has certainly flip floped .
( "know thy self" _ the appitha / orical of delfi )
figguring things out - exploring wisdom from the past / religion
figguring things out - exploring the spirit world/shaman , what i
believe is possession like communion with god himself
figguring things out - and im getting real close to being able
to .... unify it all in a way i can explain to others with clearity ,
einstine looked for a simalar equasion but in physics
but to belive im the anti christ in the traditional christian sence
would be absurd
in my head figguring things out - but once accomplished no need to be
in my head any more - FREEDOM ! - ....the ability to ..... shine as
the brightest of lights .... overflow with rivers of living water ....
i have experienced this "ability" for short glimpses , but to think
I'M capable of such things might be delusions of grandure , but if i
consalt the good book he sais I AM
u mentioned ADD or ADHD or somthing of that nature , what ur
( we're ) experiencing is simply one part of what it is to be human ,
" mental illness " is shared by us all and in all its forms are
derivatives of the same beast , accept the fact that ur ok and just
the way u should be , if u belive ur well then u will be well , if
you dont feel that u are well i susspect guilt is causing
restlessness ,
when i read what you say of yourself i see myself , i wish i could
hand u the answer , i myself must accept it
and the lord god said behold the the man is become as one of us, to
know good and evil : and now lest he put forth his hand and take also
of the tree of life and eat and live forever :
do you belive there is a god ?
ps. you really need to try and make these posts shorter and more
normal !
Ash wrote:
> On Monday, May 2, 2011 12:52:04 AM UTC-4, the taoist shaman wrote:
> >
> > i do belive u r accuseing me of being autistic ....
> No, just myself. Maybe.
> its possible ,
> > dont really know what autistic means , except for in sevier cases.
> > typical to be unable to relate to others ? is what u mean by trapped
> > within themselves ? i feel trapped as shit , im seriously about to
> > try living in the wilderness like a cave man .... people think there
> > smart , what an unfortunate delusion , science changes evry 100
> > years , animals are smart because there simple , they have no
> > dependence on science , they dont covet the matirial , animals dont
> > try to be something there not , animals dont lie ,...... animals dont
> > try to change the world they see , they react as the world they see
> > changes , like a mirror , animals dont judge or pretend to have to
> > ability to judge one another , ..... it gets damn lonely damn quick
> > though , living in the woods that is . are people who r
> > autistic obsesed with perfection ? im a perfectionist , ive been
> > playing the keyboard since i was 12 and im still working on the same
> > song ( love the church organ , sounds dark as hell )
> >
> It was a dream of mine in the early teens to just pack a bug out bag and
> head for Alaska or join a monastery somewhere far away. I didn't get it from
> him but Wolverine had the idea pegged.
> its hard to keep track of everyone , whats ur religious standpoint ?
> >
> On religion I prefer to think in terms of anthropology, psychology,
> sociology, and sometimes philosophy/theology. There aren't any convenient
> groupings for me, I wouldn't be able to make a coherent view and if I did it
> would change based on what aspects I was exploring at that time.
> Continuously, even as I write. Very inconvenient. I do however believe that
> for any question or problem there is a tool for the job, so you could say I
> was once into alchemy of mind/spirit and have retained a little bias toward
> that.
> u mentioned life vs genetics or nature vs neurter i belive
> > bolth to be equally correct , that ''life'' can alter genetics , in
> > fact science has already seen this but only in long term evolution ,
> > but now they say evolution might be a much quicker prosses than they
> > had previously ass umed , but its relatively to human life not yet
> > even considered , can PTS actually physically change a person ,
> > there genetics , make them scitzo. , dose chemical inballance cause
> > poor thoughts , or do poor thoughts cause chemical inballance ,
> > probably bolth .
> >
> Not sure I did but what the hell. Epigenetics deals with this I think. Man,
> it would be so sweet to have augmented mental capacities. If I could store
> what I've learned and access it as quickly as a healthy mind or turn things
> off that are bothering me it would give me a serious boost. I think you are
> right about all this, and believing we are immune or invincible doesn't
> change the effects. "For every action there is an equal and opposite
> reaction."
> im probably an autistic , PTS , psychotic schitzophranic , destined to
> > become the anti christ ! LOL !
> > but worried on the inside
> >
> > do autistic people reliey on logic ? i scored 100 % in 50 % of given
> > time on the logic portion of the a.s.v.a.b.s.
> >
> > i should probably stop typing now this is getting to long
> >
> You seem able to think well, probably better than most and I can pick that
> out in the discussions. Perhaps we have ADHD (probably just me). Who would
> set their bars so low as 'normal'? FTW if it's worth doing it's worth doing
> well, "destined to become the anti christ".
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