On Monday, May 2, 2011 12:52:04 AM UTC-4, the taoist shaman wrote:
i do belive u r accuseing me of being autistic ....
No, just myself. Maybe.
its possible ,
dont really know what autistic means , except for in sevier cases.
typical to be unable to relate to others ? is what u mean by trapped
within themselves ? i feel trapped as shit , im seriously about to
try living in the wilderness like a cave man .... people think there
smart , what an unfortunate delusion , science changes evry 100
years , animals are smart because there simple , they have no
dependence on science , they dont covet the matirial , animals dont
try to be something there not , animals dont lie ,...... animals dont
try to change the world they see , they react as the world they see
changes , like a mirror , animals dont judge or pretend to have to
ability to judge one another , ..... it gets damn lonely damn quick
though , living in the woods that is . are people who r
autistic obsesed with perfection ? im a perfectionist , ive been
playing the keyboard since i was 12 and im still working on the same
song ( love the church organ , sounds dark as hell )
It was a dream of mine in the early teens to just pack a bug out bag and head for Alaska or join a monastery somewhere far away. I didn't get it from him but Wolverine had the idea pegged.
its hard to keep track of everyone , whats ur religious standpoint ?
On religion I prefer to think in terms of anthropology, psychology, sociology, and sometimes philosophy/theology. There aren't any convenient groupings for me, I wouldn't be able to make a coherent view and if I did it would change based on what aspects I was exploring at that time. Continuously, even as I write. Very inconvenient. I do however believe that for any question or problem there is a tool for the job, so you could say I was once into alchemy of mind/spirit and have retained a little bias toward that.
u mentioned life vs genetics or nature vs neurter i belive
bolth to be equally correct , that ''life'' can alter genetics , in
fact science has already seen this but only in long term evolution ,
but now they say evolution might be a much quicker prosses than they
had previously ass umed , but its relatively to human life not yet
even considered , can PTS actually physically change a person ,
there genetics , make them scitzo. , dose chemical inballance cause
poor thoughts , or do poor thoughts cause chemical inballance ,
probably bolth .
Not sure I did but what the hell. Epigenetics deals with this I think. Man, it would be so sweet to have augmented mental capacities. If I could store what I've learned and access it as quickly as a healthy mind or turn things off that are bothering me it would give me a serious boost. I think you are right about all this, and believing we are immune or invincible doesn't change the effects. "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."
im probably an autistic , PTS , psychotic schitzophranic , destined to
become the anti christ ! LOL !
but worried on the inside
do autistic people reliey on logic ? i scored 100 % in 50 % of given
time on the logic portion of the a.s.v.a.b.s.
i should probably stop typing now this is getting to long
You seem able to think well, probably better than most and I can pick that out in the discussions. Perhaps we have ADHD (probably just me). Who would set their bars so low as 'normal'? FTW if it's worth doing it's worth doing well, "destined to become the anti christ".
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