Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye Re: how close are any of us to the 'deep green'?

The pretence of speaking as though being coolly objective flies in the face of your advice RP - desire is always at least waiting for a return.  Environmental ethics (hardly unknown in the ancient East) involves a change of heart for me - though the definition of 'heart' here is difficult and is hard work against existing education  and propaganda.

On Tuesday, December 2, 2014 5:31:37 PM UTC, RP Singh wrote:
To evolve you have to change and for that you have to change your feelings. It is the feelings which tumble into thoughts and then actions.                                      No matter how much you control yourself your feelings will get over you and spill into thoughts and actions. You would realize that you suddenly do something or act spontaneously in ways which are a result of your attitudes. So if you want to evolve change your heart , then your mind and last of all your actions.

On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Molly <mollyb363@gmail.com> wrote:
As you know I like the Spiral Dynamics model of human development, and they define the green meme as: 

The Sensitive Self . Communitarian, human bonding, ecological sensitivity, networking. The human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma, and divisiveness; feelings and caring supersede cold rationality; cherishing of the earth, Gaia, life. Against hierarchy; establishes lateral bonding and linking. Permeable self, relational self, group intermeshing. Emphasis on dialogue, relationships. Basis of value communities (i.e., freely chosen affiliations based on shared sentiments). Reaches decisions through reconciliation and consensus (downside: interminable "processing" and incapacity to reach decisions). Refresh spirituality, bring harmony, enrich human potential. Strongly egalitarian, anti-hierarchy, pluralistic values, social construction of reality, diversity, multiculturalism, relativistic value systems; this worldview is often called pluralistic relativism . Subjective, nonlinear thinking; shows a greater degree of affective warmth, sensitivity, and caring, for earth and all its inhabitants.Where seen: Deep ecology, postmodernism, Netherlands idealism, Rogerian counseling, Canadian health care, humanistic psychology, liberation theology, cooperative inquiry, World Council of Churches, Greenpeace, animal rights, ecofeminism, post-colonialism, Foucault/Derrida, politically correct, diversity movements, human rights issues, ecopsychology. 10% of the population, 15% of the power. [Note: this is 10% of the world population. Don Beck estimates that around 20-25% of the American population is green.] 

With the completion of the green meme, human consciousness is poised for a quantum jump into "second-tier thinking." Clare Graves referred to this as a "momentous leap," where "a chasm of unbelievable depth of meaning is crossed." In essence, with second-tier consciousness, one can think both vertically and horizontally, using both hierarchies and heterarchies (both ranking and linking). One can therefore, for the first time, vividly grasp the entire spectrum of interior development , and thus see that each level, each meme, each wave is crucially important for the health of the overall Spiral. 

Ken Wilber, in his Integral Philosophy, embraces the model and goes on to add the "mean Green meme"  (MGM) where people get stuck from transcending into second tier, interior development because they are caught up in oppositional causes - working in groups against while superficially claiming the green sensitivity to earth and the marginalization others.

I think he agrees with your assessment, Neil, when he declares the MGM: "the damage that the MGM has caused, mostly because that is where the action is in the cultural elite. The MGM is the driving force of boomeritis, and it has dominated academia, liberal politics, and the humanities for three decades. Its damage is staggering, and only made worse by the smug self-satisfaction of these particular Inquisitors."

On Monday, December 1, 2014 10:10:09 AM UTC-5, archytas wrote:

Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment and its nonhuman contents. This involves (1) the challenge of environmental ethics to the anthropocentrism (i.e., human-centeredness) embedded in traditional western ethical thinking; ((2) the connection of deep ecology, feminist environmental ethics, and social ecology to politics; (3) the attempt to apply traditional ethical theories, including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, to support contemporary environmental concerns; and (4) the focus of environmental literature on wilderness.

Our current de facto religious control fraud (economics) is broadly anti-green - Allan's 'golden calf'.  It is resistant to Andrew's 'time walk history' and Molly up a tree being at one with nature other than as a 'sweet story' and communicative rationality generally, using pseudo-science systems to explain everything and direct what we can do.  I now vote Green as my other 'choices' are neo-liberal or fascist.  Gabby can perhaps vote that way with more direct hope.

Various books I've read recently suggest 'being green' is a morality changer.  I've long thought science such, though not in the crude positivist sense most of the anti-science people use as a straw man.  

Anthropocentrism often recognizes some non-intrinsic wrongness of anthropogenic (i.e. human-caused) environmental devastation. Such destruction might damage the well-being of human beings now and in the future, since our well-being is essentially dependent on a sustainable environment.  We have been aware of the population and environmental crisis since the 1960's.  Much religion, perhaps especially the Judeo-Christian idea that humans are created in the image of the transcendent supernatural God, who is radically separate from nature, also by extension radically separates humans themselves from nature. This ideology further opened the way for untrammelled exploitation of nature. Modern Western science itself, White argues, was "cast in the matrix of Christian theology" so that it too inherited the "orthodox Christian arrogance toward nature" (White 1967, 1207). Clearly, without technology and science, the environmental extremes to which we are now exposed would probably not be realized. White's thesis, however, is that given the modern form of science and technology, Judeo-Christianity itself provides the original deep-seated drive to unlimited exploitation of nature. Nevertheless, White argued that some minority traditions within Christianity (e.g., the views of St. Francis) might provide an antidote to the "arrogance" of a mainstream tradition steeped in anthropocentrism ( White, L., 1967. "The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis", Science, 155:1203-1207).

The arguments are old, though one rarely sees them in insanestream media.  Two keys points are (1) the evaluative thesis (of non-anthropocentrism) is the claim that natural nonhuman things have intrinsic value, i.e., value in their own right independent of any use they have for others, and (2) the psycho-behavioural thesis (of non-anthropocentrism) is the claim that people who believe in the evaluative thesis of non-anthropocentrism are more likely to behave environmentally (i.e., behave in beneficial ways, or at least not in harmful ways, towards the environment) than those who do not.

Our 'deep ideologies' don't seem to be helping much.  Ferguson and Tottenham rioted on the killings of minor black criminals by police, but we don't seem to be able to get 'up in arms' against burning the planet or wars that have killed millions of innocents and continue to do so.  Looking at us from 40 million light-years away, a decent alien society might be discussing whether they have any ethical imperative to help us as distant strangers, perhaps wondering if delivering some practical green energy alternatives could help us move from our crude libidinal condition of scarcity wars and trinket consumption.

The economists don't want to discuss any deep ideology at all.  The politicians seem able to whip it up and it hardly resembles 'deep green' when they do.  Is our religious talk just talk above deeper crude ideology of a selfish, self-centred libidinal-tribal condition?  So what are your views, my fellow carbon-footprints?


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