Thursday, November 6, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Rebirth

Memories are carried forward in DNA and RNA, what we make 'eternal' and are fragmented for the imagination.  They are also carried in work embodiment in machines - so I can spray a car without the skills (I once sprayed gas stoves and was no good at it).  Children are born with fear of such as snakes and sometimes numeracy, stuff like diabetes as an adaptation to shortage (hopeless in food processing ages, plenty and sugar - all devastating to our existing ancient societies) and maybe memories of previous lives as RP suggests - sadly the data I've seen is all mediated by adults.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:30:06 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
I have been told fantastic stories by kids, including ones of abuse in the cellars of a house with no cellars.  On the basis of evidence on the internet, I'm thinking South Park's 'Ginger Cow' on this.  The economics of waiting for a three year old to tell me who murdered him in a past life did not appeal to me as a detective.  This said, I often feel I am inhabited by my father - he is quite welcome.

Memory is unreliable even in one life.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 9:12:14 PM UTC, archytas wrote:
Marrying grandchildren is probably compulsory in some religions Tony.  Our genes seek out similar genes to screw for that matter.  I think there are more people on the planet now than the sum of all people before (not sure).  I guess we need the direct data from the kids.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 8:37:56 PM UTC, Allan Heretic wrote:
According to you Tony after death you cease to exist. No soul so what you said makes no sense.

All an
do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: "'facilitator' via \"Minds Eye\"" <>
Sent: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 8:46 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: Rebirth

Doesn't seem likely since this would not account for the rise in population.  Assuming it were possible, my first question would be why?  What would the purpose be?  And what would the controlling factors be?  Could you be empathetic one life and a raging homicidal maniac the next?  Would you be in control of what life you lived next, or would this be decided for you by some "other"?  I suppose also by some chance you could marry one of your grandchildren.

On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 12:39:41 PM UTC-5, RP Singh wrote:
Reported incidents of a few children remembering their past lives makes one wonder , is the body just a vehicle  and the soul keeps on migrating from one birth to another, my heart doesn't accept it but the mind is left to ponder ...


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