Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye Who can we tell?

I woke up last night thing about the men's coop. It came from his and a couple friends. It was built during the depression, the idea was to provide a low cost community housing single male students so the could have low cost rent and the maintenance and other services were done by students as part of their rent bringing the cost down.
I knew about it as a kid saw the outside many times and knew that is where my dad lived when he attended the university. What I didn't know and found out long after dad retired was that the university was offered an very large amount money for the property was that they actually didn't own it. (That came as a shock to the regents.
Legally the "Men's Coop" was owned by the "Men's Coop" The problem really arose when it was found out that no one legally owned the the Coop ,, the university over saw it occupancy and repairs. But they did not own it and could not sell it.
My dad was contacted because he was the person that created the coop. 
The university did sell the property, but the money went into a perpetual scholarship trust where only 80% of the income it created could be used for educational grants .. Amy left over funds went toward increasing the principal of the funds.  The university has control of the funds,, their contribution is they supply the management at no cost.. Actually the university likes the arrangement as it keeps future management from raiding the trust to pay salaries or other expenses. From what i understand the fund has more than doubled since its creation..

My dad was always a rebel looking at solving problems rather just complaining.

All an
do not murder, rape, enslave or harm others

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 2:40 AM
Subject: Mind's Eye Who can we tell?

BBC's 'Panorama' produced a documentary last night on 'Baby P' - Peter Connelly killed at 17 months after much abuse 7 years ago.  The perpetrators were jailed, scum of little interest.  There was a serious case review, generally a hapless procedure of whitewash here.  It now seems this and other reports were a fix to pin blame on social services - in fact all agencies involved were useless, social services perhaps less so than the politicians and others.  Obviously, no reasonable society would want this kind of vicious cover-up at all or not to know what really went on for 7 years, given we should want to put things right (the 'learning lessons' rhetoric).

Britain is an intensely secretive society.  I don't even know why we got involved in the two world wars, let alone Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.  When I think of Gabby or Germans I have actually met, I have even less idea on the world wars.  I doubt ignorance is my problem in this - it's just clear the general stuff we are given is bunk.  When one researches social issues from war to child abuse, the reality shifts a long way from the history of Empire I was taught and the idea our politicians and bureaucracy operate in any competent way.

In another case, in Rotherham, more than 1400 victims of child sexual exploitation were further abused by all the services they encountered.  In this case, a young, female Home Office researcher had her work destroyed and was threatened by two police officers who said they were going to give her name and address to the abusers.  There are so many other cases I doubt I could finish writing their outline within a couple of days.  This is before one thinks about our banks and business practices, and revolting breaches of trust by priests, teachers and cops.

Who can we even tell when it is almost impossible to think of any speedy and fair investigations and resolutions - or even admissions of wrong-doing by our establishments?  This before you realise cops and other agencies quickly brief against victims and other complainants.



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