Sunday, July 6, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye Re: time of death

you assume much too much, Gabby. ME is still in tact and moving on, whether or not you choose to join along.  Not like you to attack someone new, just like you to go after the moderators.

On Saturday, July 5, 2014 6:22:36 AM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
I don't know what you expect to see by inducing an infusion of rationality to the dead horse of the blue eyed. Wanna see the blind dog come barking by and how it is being patted on the head for never missing a sound? We live by the natural death law here, we don't kill our owners, you see. So why do you come by and disturb this process? It has become evident that Neil's interests have become more prevailing for the living, that Molly will assist him, and that Allan will follow them wherever they are. They will let us know when a new for(u)m for the u-horse-parable is being established for us. All we need is patience and acceptance of the all that was, is, forever will be. Peace.

Am Samstag, 5. Juli 2014 schrieb 'facilitator' via "Minds Eye" :

 what do you think happens at the time of our death? 
Well that question is really interesting because it leads one to think there is in fact an actual "Time of death".    I think the first thing that happens is that our conscience becomes very aware that time no longer exists.

What becomes of "us"?
"Us" meaning corporate humans or an individual?

 If we go on, how do we relate to those we leave behind, 
We can't relate.  If we could death and life would be the same thing.

especially immediately following death?


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