Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye organic life

The way to confirm if the input to our brain comes from our senses that senses "reality" or if that input is just signals coming from a signal generator like a movie is to interact with it. If we hear and see a piano being played, then there is no way to tell if the piano and the piano player are "real". If we play the piano ourself, then we can use our freedom to play whatever we like. Then we can be almost sure that it is reality, unless we just imagine or dream that we are playing the piano. Of course you can argue that our entire life of waking, dreaming and imagining is just an imagination or a very long dream. Then the only way to prove that it is "real" is to kill yourself. That is our ultimate freedom, the freedom to interact with our own life by ending it. Premonition, deja vu, intuitions and personal coincidences are proofs  that when we do kill ourselves or otherwise die, that our life will be proven to be a real experience.     

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 5:30:46 PM UTC+2, facilitator wrote:
An organic mind knows no difference between reality and dreams.  These are simply terms for our perceptions.  Without getting into premonitions or Deja vu,  The organic mind simply takes input from our senses and delivers it to sections of the mind that process it.  Example:  everything we see with our eyes we see upside down, but the mind corrects that "reality" to make it an acceptable perception.  Also keep in thought that all of these perceptions are past or history.  Nothing can happen that isn't already past.  We call the now the present but the reality is it is already relegated to some past event.  Every word I write here I can only perceive after its actual occurrence.  It is an infinitesimal time delay but nevertheless history.   I think when we come to terms with our full "Self" we realize everything is a reality within a dream created by a god made in our image.   I don't want to listed with the arrogant who claim to know God's purpose in this convolution.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 8:28:48 AM UTC-4, andrew vecsey wrote:
How do we know the difference between reality and a dream, or reality and an illusion? Easy... If you keep waking up to the same self, with the same strengths and weaknesses, with the same "others" and in the same place that you went to sleep and woke up, then that is your reality. If you dream one night that you are flying with Madonna in and another night that you are playing with the rolling stones, then clearly those are just dreams and/or illusions. Your reality is not what you are effected by, it is more what and who you effect. It is our home that we always return to until we die.  Those that live in their dreams and illusions are either under the influence of drugs or have mental problems and are ill and need to be taken care of.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 2:02:36 PM UTC+2, Gabby wrote:
In German we call reality Wirklichkeit. I have learned to agree to that convention.

Am Dienstag, 22. Juli 2014 schrieb Molly :
Well, I do not agree that reality is "what has an effect on us" but respect your perception of it.

On Tuesday, July 22, 2014 4:34:00 AM UTC-4, Gabby wrote:
Okay, the first round of our little what-have-we-forgotten-to-weed-out game goes to you, Tony. The pronounless fingerpointing of the existential Singularity of the "there is" clearly overtrumps the German "es gibt" and the French "il y a".  Molly upped the ante in the second round with reminding us of the love-hate relation of the Dualism of the One and the Many. Me+Myself+I would then like to be remembered for the Triangulation - with God in the center. Allan then again squared the issue with his smartphone/tablet.  

(As soon as we need two digits to continue, we will need your input again, Molly! Stay awake!)

We "take true" (perception) what has an "effect on us" (reality).

Am Montag, 21. Juli 2014 schrieb 'facilitator' via "Minds Eye" :
There is the very real possibility that "Self" is all that exists and everyone (other) and everything is simply a perception.   We can not have awareness or consciousness of an "Others" perceptions.  

On Friday, July 18, 2014 2:35:15 PM UTC-4, RP Singh wrote:
The one Spirit is the inner Being of all and actually it is that which sees and acts in all organisms , but the paradox is that all individuals apparently see and act independently and are in a state of separateness and confrontation with each other. This puts the Spirit in an obviously separate position from all individuals and because of its omnipotence is worthy of respect , to be worshiped and prayed to.
Even though our real essence is the Spirit , it is separate from us and so instead of being called the Self it should be called God and our Father in Heaven.

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 12:37 AM, Allan H <allan...@gmail.com> wrote:
My single organic potato is growing quite in my pot Neil, How is your garden going.. it seems that the organic concept has great merit even though the organic substance  of the soul I do not understand its essence yet, I know I know that the totality of everything and beyond is all contained within the ying yang of the Allfather.
The physical part of the body ,, the only thing that in=s making any real sense to me is is but a shell (container) in which for the soul to function within this time reality. Duality can exist within time and non-time.  The only element of time that exist is the present,,  the past has become a record within non-time.
one of the questions that arise is just what is the essence of the Allfather. the organic essence is relatively easy ,, the other essence is  of the Allfather is another matter

A Living Soul


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