Friday, June 6, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye The Trance and What it Might Be

Well the banksters strike again. Was reading they are now talking about loaning banks money at negative interest to stimulate the economy.
Let me see if negative interest is required that should automaticly create negitive bonuses . With the shortage coming from salaries and perks starting at the top and working downward unyeilding until profitability returns to the economy.
Now to me that simple economic plan will return the economy to stability.
Any banker or stockbroker quiting before economic stability returns will automaticly forfiet all personal, family and corporate assets no matter where they are hidden in the world having to repay double that which is hidden, with the debt being passed down though the generations .
Just a little harsh but I think the economy would improve rather quickly.
Just a quick thought full of my usual bravado and bullshit. Let me r IND you bullshit makes good fertilizer.

-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <>
Sent: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:15
Subject: Mind's Eye The Trance and What it Might Be

I've always been resistant to magic, though have taken part in such as African village stuff and its amazing illusions (which feel at some point real).  Church rituals don't appeal, though fellowship does.  I can easily imagine our lives are tranced, making rational discussion more or less impossible.  Philosophy has taken a rather fascist view (perhaps paranoid-narcissist) of the hero jumping into the molten pit of reality and coming back to a public to ignorant (tranced) to understand the new truth.  Nietzsche's tricks from Attic tragedy seem entirely obvious to me.  Yet when I once looked at our economics and its incredible stupidity, I fell for the idea I could look at it and come up with something nearer a scientific solution.  I failed and in one of those peculiarities of fate, found myself going native and teaching the rubbish (though I tried to be honest).  This failure has equipped me to realise main stream media and politicians speak utter rot on economics. Recently, my partner has been asking what particular bits of the rubbish mean.  She's interested in the ludicrous language.  I can translate such stuff as 'credit enhanced security' and various acronyms, yet this never exposes meaning.  Currently, the ECB is following the FED and BoE into QE.  European Central Bank and quantitative easing don't add much.  The story is about the ECB lying.  It can't come out and say it's doing QE and so writes reams of distraction.  This has all the ring of hypnotic words sending us to sleep - perhaps the sleep of boredom.  The real story is we are all copying Japanese failure.

I hear the language of economists almost directly as lies.  Their debates are instantly themed as rhetoric.  Even some economists know.
"The very violence of the combat suggests that it was about something beyond mathematics or facts. The combatants hurled mathematical reasoning and institutional facts at each other, but the important questions were those one would ask of a metaphor - is it illuminating, is it satisfying, is it apt? How do you know? How does it compare with other economic poetry? After some tactical retreats by Cambridge, Massachusetts, on points of ultimate metaphysics irrelevant to these important questions, mutual exhaustion set in, without decision. The reason there was no decision was that the important questions were literary, not mathematical or statistical"

The trance we are held in is bewitchment by language.  Most economic and political language is as unintelligible as a Latin Mass or African secret society experience.  I begin to see the economic preachers in tall hats waiving incense and on tall stilts breathing fire.  QE instantly translates as giving money to the rich beast beyond the City gates to protect us from its wrath.  This itself feels like a trance, the vision of the heroic individual who sees differently from the masses.  I suspect it is no such thing.  Behind the study and attempted rationality is fear, some built-in biological control.  The trance is deeper than the ability to see through the economic liturgies, the echo-nomics.  

I think this is quite a good and direct explanation.

Here in Canada, the people are sick of deteriorating infra while politicians and bureaucrats are filling their pockets. The thought process is that if the dead weight gets cut, there will be more money for health care and infra. The dead weight seems to be civil servants who walk slowly and enjoy huge pensions. Applying the same logic, lower taxes would probably starve government and put more money into households' pockets. I am not condoning this logic but that is what I am seeing.

I have a child with special needs and I can attest to the inefficiency of the services. Since the 90s, governments have been cutting the net and now it is quite raggedy and full of holes. What they have done is cut in an ad hoc fashion. More often than not the services don't mesh anymore. I would even argue that the way they are being offered are of dubious added value. However, they are costing us a fortune.

The trance has us believing in myths like austerity, cutting government, relying on private sector banking and so on.


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