Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye time of death

Molly what I am going to say is best guess scenario. Thuis and I have been somewhat discussing that or at least the string theory.
You have been sharing and explaining dualism for years now. In all these theories there is a common thread :-)
,, Time in looking at this I found the perfect yin/yang contained with in dualism. There is Time the reality that governs the world as we know. Then the yang part extremely difficult to conceive of that is non time, the realm to which the soul returns. Now time and non-time exist in harmony. It would be quiet shock to find yourself in non-time and then try and communicate with someone in the time reality
I hope this helps. Maybe contact Francis,
Your friend Allan

(  ~Quantum Soul
  )   ~  Soul controls Body
[_D ~ ~  Reality

-----Original Message-----
From: Molly <>
Sent: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 12:40 AM
Subject: Mind's Eye time of death

I just had one of my favorite people on earth pass away and will spend the weekend at his services.  He was a big part of my life for may decades as a mentor, father figure, friend.  Makes me wonder: what do you think happens at the time of our death? What becomes of "us"? If we go on, how do we relate to those we leave behind, especially immediately following death?


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