On Sunday, May 25, 2014 5:59:25 PM UTC-4, archytas wrote:
The cooperation of the amoebas is amazing. They are also part of the life-cycle of nasty stuff like MRSA in hospitals (the bug can incubate in them).
On Sunday, 25 May 2014 18:44:22 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:Yeah the little aliens, I saw them on a science on (blush) TV. I thought the little critters were kind of cute. they were very interesting.
( Quantum Spirituality
) soul governs body
[_D do no harm
-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sun, 25 May 2014 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye Re: 100 years of learning nothing as a society?You are thinking of the tardigrades Allan, the so-called water bears. The amoeba only make it to the jet stream, which is earthbound.--
On Saturday, 24 May 2014 18:48:05 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:lol its not the ameba but there is one of the microscopic organisms that can survive under the harshest conditions including the vacuum of deep space, it is the most plentiful organisms on earth. Kind of like that star wars thing-a-ma-bob
( Quantum Spirituality
) ~ Soul controls Body
[_D ~~ Allan H
-----Original Message-----
From: archytas <nwterry@gmail.com>
To: minds-eye@googlegroups.com
Sent: Sat, 24 May 2014 7:35 PM
Subject: Mind's Eye Re: 100 years of learning nothing as a society?I find that approach pretty useful. Interesting if people would flesh it out. Of course, one can research 100 years ago. I'm less sure on what might leave this planet and whether biological intelligence will have anything to do with it, other than as a forgotten rung on the ladder. Amoeba, after all, climb on each other's backs in surf to flip off to the jet stream, but we have issues about wasting away in zero gravity and surviving space weather and friction.--
On Friday, 23 May 2014 21:27:13 UTC+1, andrew vecsey wrote:To ask what we have learned in the past 100 years is like asking a 10 year old what he has learned yesterday.
If humanity was a person, I think that it would be a 10 year old.
With this simplification, each 100 years corresponds to about 1.5 days, and each 20,000 years corresponds to 10 years.
What have we learned in the last 200,000 years?
200,000 years ago we learned to want, desire, wish, hope and believe. We learned that the world was ours to exploit. We discovered fire and by cooking out foods, we were able to grow and develop at a very fast rate. This is like the newborn discovering mothers milk.
60,000 years ago we learned to talk and draw. This is like a 7 year starting school.
30,000 years ago we learned to make ceramics. Now we are like a 8.5 year old discovering how to make things with playdough.
9,000 years ago we learned how to weave cloth.
7,000 years ago we learned to melt copper.
6,000 years ago we learned to write.
5,000 years ago we learned to make bronze and with that we could make wheels.
4,000 years ago we learned to farm.
3,000 years ago we learned to melt iron.
2,000 years ago we learned that for us to survive, we need to love and care for our nature and our fellow men. Then we stopped learning for a while.
500 years ago we learned that the world was larger than we thought and that it was ours to exploit.
300 years ago we learned that science can be tamed to help us exploit the world.
100 years ago we learned to tame science. This is like a 10 year old, discovering his father`s tools.
What is in store for us in the future?
Soon we will learn that knowledge is a double edged sword. It will allow us to be like gods and to know and judge between good and bad. Then it will be like we will go to school and start to really learn. This will be the point where we destroy nature and have robots save us.
When we turn 20, we will have enough skills to find a mate and start a family. This will be the point when we will leave our earth to start another one somewhere else. Just like sperm and seeds are ejected to travel far away, rockets will travel to other planets to seed them with life.
So what have you learned in the past day and half?
On Tuesday, May 20, 2014 11:45:21 PM UTC+2, archytas wrote:I came across a manuscript of Marx (Gutenberg Project) the other day. It's a bit windy, but not a bad description of the forces in play in Ukraine and elsewhere today He does a bit of an analysis on how the Royal Navy has been used to support Russia to benefit only a tiny number of rich traders against the general commercial interests of the country. It also contains this general statement that could almost be about today:"The oligarchy which, after the "glorious revolution," usurped wealth and power at the cost of the mass of the British people, was, of course, forced to look out for allies, not only abroad, but also at home. The latter they found in what the French would call la haute bourgeoisie, as represented by the Bank of England, the money-lenders, State creditors, East India and other trading corporations, the great manufacturers, etc. How tenderly they managed the material interests of that class may be learned from the whole of their domestic legislation—Bank Acts, Protectionist enactments, Poor Regulations, etc. As to their foreign policy, they wanted to give it the appearance at least of being altogether regulated by the mercantile interest, an appearance the more easily to be produced, as the exclusive interest of one or the other small fraction of that class would, of course, be always identified with this or that Ministerial measure. The interested fraction then raised the commerce and navigation cry, which the nation stupidly re-echoed."I find it very depressing that our main stream media struggle to present us with any worthwhile analysis. In the UK I have no one to vote for and wouldn't want the kind of people on offer as friends or colleagues. We have UKIP, a bunch of buffoons in rather loud clothing, about to sweep the EU elections. There seems no point at all in having learned anything. Anyone else finding this?
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