Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mind's Eye Re: windows 8.1

Hello and welcome, Julian. I understand you somehow came across a laptop and you have found the best solution for your situation. I agree, touch or non touch is one of the main distinctive markers if you are free to choose between the W7 and W8 surface.
I recently bought a new computer for my son, neither mobility nor touch ability were an issue, he uses it a lot for gaming for which he needs a controller. Choosing the right graphic card and processor were the more important issues. And as a little extra I insisted on a a Solid State Drive to have the old W7 operating on. So far we are happy about how we have solved our issues.

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Am Dienstag, 4. März 2014 20:14:09 UTC+1 schrieb Julian:
I recently got a new, cheap, non touch W8 laptop and for a day or two I was struggling
but after updating to 8.1 and adding a freeware Star button it looks like W7, which I
liked, but is somehow better.  

On Thursday, 13 February 2014 21:42:13 UTC+1, Allan Heretic wrote:
My old computer was on its dying breath,, so I bought a new one yesterday. finally got it functioning after having to completely set it up three times and then when I updated the program only to have it crash. 27 hours later I finally got it running.
You are right Neil windows 8 is nuts.

 (   Matrix  :  The Soul controls the Body
  )             :  Do No Harm
|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.


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