Friday, January 3, 2014

Re: Mind's Eye The evolution of banks

Bank will continue in existence, if for no other reason they are controllable..  Banks are very regulated  and to start a bank at least in the United States required a relatively large sum of money but not an impossible amount the benefits that you gain are quite good. The most difficult part is obtaining the  banking connections..  In that area friendships help..
It also requires extremely accurate accounting..  game playing is not allowed..

Now Andrew you look at unregulated bitcoin as your savior..  A bank makes money by offering services, a small fee for handling you money, sharing the interest on loans., and other sound investments. You do not have the luxury of increasing the base value of your currency..  Increasing the base value of the currency creates many problems  like where did the value come from?? I was noticing that the bitscoin's value was over $1000.-- per bitcoin (Yes its value is linked to the US Dollar) and now has a value less that $850.-- that is a tremendous value loss.

Bitcoin has no honest stable way of generating money that I know.. I am trying think of the famous scam artist who said Never give a sucker an even break.

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

-----Original Message-----
From: andrew vecsey <>
Sent: Fri, 03 Jan 2014 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: Mind's Eye The evolution of banks

On Friday, January 3, 2014 3:03:30 AM UTC+1, Ash wrote:
This seems like a start on a comedy Andrew, ........ it was funny.

Thanks for your feedback Ash. I am pleased that you found it funny. Unexpected truth unexpectedly uncovered tends to be funny.
Considering how banks evolved from helping the poor by making money available to them helping the rich by financing long-term projects beneficial to the rich and helping themselves by financing short-term projects that are only of benefit to the rich and to themselves.... what future do you see for banks?. How will banks evolve? What is their future? What is the opinion from thinking people in this group?

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