Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Re: Mind's Eye Re: death of ME

It seems to me that ME is one of the last vestiges of a platform that allows people, from all over the world, to communicate directly, not with a post that goes who knows where, not with a statement on a wall that you can comment on, but are limited in the length of your response, and no one can comment directly to you.  Not in a circle of people who are commenting on so many other things that the thread is lost.  Social media is changing to meet the needs of business.  Capitalism abides.  Maybe google groups has been overlooked, Lord knows it has not suffered upgrades or improvements like other platforms.  I do not know of any other place where a conversation is as direct, and therefore, impactful for the participants. If we can resurrect it in a decent way, we will have done something important.  Something happens when people understand eachother.  More than the exchange of words, or the understanding of the words.  Something happens here that leads humanity into what is next.  the unseen.  The unfathomable.  It is happening here between the words. Happening with members that speak and don't speak.  lets keep it going.  A spirit that is part of all of us, whatever our contribution.  It effects our daily lives in ways we feel, but may not understand.  we feel connected.  We feel expressed.  We feel part of the complete picture in ways we don't understand and don't have to.  ME is and we are.  As long as we keep going here.

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:57:59 AM UTC-5, Allan Heretic wrote:
Keeping up with technology is getting more and more difficult..  seem to be running uncontrolled..  Look up a question and you get screens and screens of advertisements..  It seems it is one big commercial.  then the computers  they have gone beyond what I am capable of or at least I they leave me wondering.
I want a program to write write thoughts on,, and you end up with an entire office suite built for major corporations. It seems from what I have heard that they are now able to stack . . .   well what ever..
I really do understand Neil as I feel the same way,, ME is kind of a hidden haven in the raging storm..  and I agree Molly that ME is not as rich as it once was  and that is sad..  but I understand.. and then I do not understand,,  I am not a big fan of google +    where we go I do not know where our group is headed,, I will try to continue to be part of it,,

One thing has been proven over and over again   everything is subject to change..

Matrix -- Soul rules the body
 (           --  Do No Harm
[_D  Allan H                       

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