Britain is currently in the grip of massive debate on whether to build HS2 - a high speed train from London up the West Coast Main Line. This would make the journey time from London to Manchester about 2 hours. I would much rather London was much further away and preferably in another country - I support a unilateral declaration of independence for the old county of Lancashire or a move of the Scottish border to somewhere south of where I live. Needless to say, the project started 15 years ago at £20 billion and is now up to £50 billion, supported by Pete Waterman (songwriter) who does the journey three times a week. Now various people are protesting the scheme for such trivial reasons as their houses being knocked down or having to suffer diminished views over despoiled countryside. No consideration has been given to spending this money on something else and the bureaucrats of HS2 failed to release cost and benefit figures they had to the public.
-- Britain is a small country and only our dismal rail service is left to convince us we are a big nation. London is a money-pit full of banksters and migrants that has drained capital from industry for international criminal activities and looting through so-called financial services that require massive public subsidy we can't afford.. We have surrounded it with a huge car park called the M25. The Israelis would, long ago, have put up a barbed-wire fence and sealed the exits of this motorway. I would have removed gold from the BoE as well, but Mr Brown, apparently Prime Minister at the time sold most of it off cheap to save Goldman Sachs in an attempt to become Chair of the World Bank and get richer than Mr Tony Blair, now bagman for JP Morgan's oil-looting and Middle East volatility policies.
We have the phrase 'being sent to Coventry' and should change this to 'being sent to London'. I have no truck at all with the idea of building high speed train lines out of the place. Nothing should be let out of the place until we have rebuilt the rest of the country along the lines of that peaceful, modern nation Germany. They offered such support twice before and our responses were churlish, to say the least. The main advantage of helping Britain become a self-sufficient manufacturing nation for Gabby and her friends would be that they could deposit Merkel in London and never have to see Mutti again. With German forsprung dorch technik we would build a new electronically networked society that would eventually extend from the Urals to John O' Groats, physically linked by air-ships.
Allan would take a key role, mining bitcoin. Gabby would run our entertainment bureau on the grounds she's the only one to have seen Skyfall and enjoyed it. Pete Waterman would find the HS2 terminated at Watford, so no loss there.
Yours bored with his train set,
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