Friday, September 13, 2013

Mind's Eye Re: chemical weapons of mass destruction

The Palestinians have their kids making gas masks from bags and jars at this very moment.  With sarin and worse you need a full suit.  Time to stop the killing, but the sad news is things are hotting up again on the India - Pakistan border.

On Friday, 13 September 2013 11:33:37 UTC+1, andrew vecsey wrote:
War is a big money-making business. First money is made by selling weapons that destroy. Then money is made by rebuilding. Chemical weapons do not destroy and are therefore banned from war. Besides, they are much too cheap to make. Those that make money from war are not too interested in killing people. After all, if you end up killing everyone, there is not too much incentive to rebuild. It is shamelessly hypocritical to ban chemical weapons without banning the other weapons that not only kill and maim people, but as well destroy their homes, schools, hospitals and roads. I propose giving citizens gas masks or teaching them how to make their own to survive chemical attacks. Passive resistance as demonstrated by Gandhi is also a more useful strategy to fight against oppression and exploitation. It always takes 2 to fight. If I was on the receiving end of an attack, I would much rather face poisonous gas for a few hours than have my house demolished and burned and be maimed and die under its rubble.   

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