Monday, April 8, 2013

Re: Mind's Eye An Icon Dies

Didn't like her like I don't like her buddy Reagan, Between them they started the ball rolling that destroyed the economic stability of the world..
She started a War in The Falkland Island to prove Britain was or is a a world power..  unfortunately you can not change history   you can only learn from your mistakes..  but first you have to be honest. Which is an extremely rare commodity among politicians..

On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 4:00 AM, Don Johnson <> wrote:
I grew up respecting, almost revering Margaret Thatcher. What a stalwart in the face of encroaching Communism and it's inherent destruction of individuality and creativity. I hope her passing brings more conservative economic policy into the debate. I don't know about England but over here in America we are still spending money we don't have and expanding government services our government sucks at dispensing. Our elected representatives lie to our faces on national television and there's almost no reaction. I suppose it's always been like that but I hate it when we're being "fundamentally changed" and most of the public is blissfully unaware of the nefarious agenda being enacted right under their noses. The Iron Lady's warnings about the follies of big government are being ignored globally to our mutual detriment. 

Anyways that's my thoughts about her. I know many of you have different thoughts on her impact and contributions and this thread is a chance to air them. I'll never forget reading Frederick Von Heyek's reaction to his first meeting her. "She's so beautiful!" Not an adjective I would have applied to her myself but to a guy used to having debates and discussions with hairy old men she must have seemed a Goddess. 

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|_D Allan

Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.

Of course I talk to myself,
Sometimes I need expert advice..

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