Friday, March 1, 2013

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Green Issues (might make some 'green')

Listening to politics is revolting but I do catch a clip of the pres on
NPR occasionally, the programs are very interesting, but he sounded a
little tired.. I have a policy of keeping low but should at least write
the local postmaster general and ask what can be done about the
ridiculous 2006 mandate for prefunding retirement.

My fiancee's father is an interesting one, I shouldn't talk about it. I
am hoping a purchase order will be on my desk Monday for ten pieces (a
minimum limit for something we make), it would help to get paid during
the last quarter this year. Form 990 is due soon, then 1120s, and 1040-
time to get my head in the game and some serious reading. No backup
plan. What I really want to do is make a difference. I cannot imagine
how heavy it can be for a president. We are broke because instead of
settling on violations of public trust and ethics our willing and
capable have been exhausted under an unrelenting stream of cash from big
business. So many people have called for help and so many SLAPP suits,
people who lose everything, phone calls to attorneys who collect little
better than blood money. It is a cold, hard, brutal world full of
predators, and poor Obama has had the privilege of watching some nasty
things get stamped. It seems almost impossible to identify the sellout,
or merely overwhelmed. We need Iron Man, Rocky, AND Chuck Norris!

Best wishes all

On 3/1/2013 7:39 AM, rigs wrote:
> Oh those scrappy Brits- such elites who managed to hold onto their
> royals! Never one to admit its negative impact on the Continent and
> its empire. Tra-la, tra-la, old chap. It is easier to trade with a
> block of partners, isn't it?
> On Mar 1, 1:21 am, archytas <> wrote:
>> UKIP (sadly not a party advocating falling asleep at work) came a
>> close second in yesterday's by-election here. This will put the wind
>> up our GOP equivalent. UKIP are non-events who just want the UK out
>> of the EU ( as probably 65% of the UK does) and are now recipients of
>> the protest vote. I regard it much more important to deal with our
>> toilet offerings properly than bother whether we are chums with the
>> French and Germans. We should all be in the EU and abolish it at the
>> same time - a more possible solution than it might appear - we could
>> simply create an electronic parliament after abolishing the farces of
>> Brussels and Strasbourg.
>> On Feb 28, 7:45 am, Allan H <> wrote:
>>> Farming practices have greatly improved..the soil loss i was seeing is
>>> not the result of erosion. flowing artisan wells are very rare and I
>>> know of only one area in the US where they are common;
>>> Now Neil there is a way you could join the super rich in the states..
>>> step one. get your degree in US Tax law passing the bar.. specialize
>>> in national tax law and learn all of it .. required reading will
>>> include all of the tax law will be required, skimming will not be good
>>> enough.. then you need to become a CPA (certified Public Accountant..
>>> then what you do is you offer the rich the service tax evasion..if
>>> interested I will explain it to you.. it will require the US not
>>> getting the budget in place..
>>> was looking at that.. the republicans need to remember that if they
>>> don't get a new budget in place they will lose all of the tax breaks
>>> they are trying to protect.. lol tough it will effect me,, maybe it
>>> is the best thing as it will force the rich to pay the taxes they have
>>> been avoiding.. they will never get such a good deal again as the
>>> tax laws were passed by republicans for rich republicans during the
>>> time when both the senate and house along with the president were all
>>> republican.. that sweet heart deal no longer exist.
>>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 5:06 AM, archytas <> wrote:
>>>> There's so much we could and should be doing. I fancy a long-term
>>>> plan bolted on to current economics, perhaps replacing derivatives and
>>>> the like.
>>>> On Feb 28, 2:43 am, rigs <> wrote:
>>>>> It could also be called Facelift!
>>>>> On Feb 27, 4:59 pm, archytas <> wrote:
>>>>>> It's just not fair Al - I always wanted to cry all the way to the
>>>>>> bank! Maybe we should petition the young jerk running Faceflop and
>>>>>> impress him with out credentials - turning silk purses into sows'
>>>>>> ears, the negative Kelvin temperature of our customer service and
>>>>>> other assets we bring to maximising tax loses whilst simultaneously
>>>>>> stacking piles of hard currency offshore? Given the job we could hire
>>>>>> Gabby's friend to do the books on double time (she'd do the bird for
>>>>>> both of us later) ...
>>>>>> On Feb 27, 8:51 pm, Allan H <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sorry Neil those tax breaks are for the super rich.. poor people like
>>>>>>> you and me have to pay our taxes..
>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 9:16 PM, archytas <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I never settle in long enough to be under-paid Gabs - I move on before
>>>>>>>> I could be barely competent to whoever is dumb enough to pay more for
>>>>>>>> my next period of incompetence. Your friend has made the mistake of
>>>>>>>> learning how to competently do the job. Does she not know the
>>>>>>>> relationship between productivity and wages is inverse - ergo one
>>>>>>>> should not be productive and spend one's time looking for the next
>>>>>>>> employer not to be productive with. That the employers bring this on
>>>>>>>> themselves is apparent in your friend's sad tale. Self-employed these
>>>>>>>> days, I no longer fear the sack should I spend enough time in one
>>>>>>>> place to be discovered inept (as I am a tolerant employer who realises
>>>>>>>> any deficiencies I have are down to a lack of training) and dare to
>>>>>>>> visit the same work place twice after reasonable gaps in which they
>>>>>>>> have forgotten I was there before. Does your friend do freelance -
>>>>>>>> I'm looking for someone good and cheap! I'd even pay time and a third
>>>>>>>> if she gets me Faceflop's tax concession ($450 million rebate).
>>>>>>>> On 27 Feb, 16:08, Allan H <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I am sure Gabby your friend is highly accurate at her job or employment..
>>>>>>>>> I never realized the soil loss until I was driving truck across mid
>>>>>>>>> west in the US.. there you can see a 16 cm difference between the
>>>>>>>>> fence line and the crop surface,, thus difference is from the crops
>>>>>>>>> removing soil matter from the land. This loss needs to be replaced.
>>>>>>>>> and that can be very difficult to do.. if your friend is saying the
>>>>>>>>> soil does not need supplements she can be right ass it can be quite
>>>>>>>>> rich.. believe me if you are farming you have soil loss due to plants
>>>>>>>>> using up the resources. the long you wait the more difficult it
>>>>>>>>> becomes.. even in my flower garden I replace approximately 4 cm every
>>>>>>>>> year..
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 8:41 AM, gabbydott <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> First, Allan, my friend is my friend, who happens to be earning her living
>>>>>>>>>> by doing her employer's book-keeping. Secondly, the books are never
>>>>>>>>>> officially out of balance, even when being checked by the finance office,
>>>>>>>>>> because she is doing the book-keeping and not her boss. And yes, her wage
>>>>>>>>>> amount has been forgotten to be dynamically integrated into that forever
>>>>>>>>>> cyclic process for more than 10 years. But this is not his fault, this is
>>>>>>>>>> hers. Is it not?
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/2/27 Allan H <>
>>>>>>>>>>> Gabby your accountant friend deeds to examine his books as is
>>>>>>>>>>> forgetting to add in some of his credits like the amount of soil the
>>>>>>>>>>> plant uses to grow and is not replaced when we harvest that crop.. in
>>>>>>>>>>> other words his books are out of balance.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:57 PM, gabbydott <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking far and big is one option of going beyond common sense
>>>>>>>>>>>> limitations.
>>>>>>>>>>>> My best friend does that on a much smaller scale for her employer and
>>>>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>>> different companies by doing his book-keeping. Their well-being is
>>>>>>>>>>>> firmly
>>>>>>>>>>>> rooted in interdependency already, no further soil improvement is
>>>>>>>>>>>> needed to
>>>>>>>>>>>> mix the balance up.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/2/26 archytas <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stuff from the UK plants goes to farms - soil improvement. I sense
>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is plenty of money that could go into such schemes. Despite $1.1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> billion in pre-tax profits from its US operations in 2012, Facebook
>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't pay any federal or state income taxes in the US—in fact it will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> collect net tax refunds totaling $429 million (owing to some stock
>>>>>>>>>>>>> option dodge).
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 26 Feb, 14:59, gabbydott <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ah, I see that the English language definitely needs an update for us
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able to communicate at - at least - nose level. What you call 'waste
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trade'
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and ' trade of recyclables' we call 'Wertstoffhandel', which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> literally
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> translates, no not 'resource trade', but 'trading with substances of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> value'.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/2/26 Allan H <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I know recycling has to become a major part of our world and life
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:05 AM, gabbydott <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure what exactly I'm replying to, because I do believe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seeking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mutually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beneficial outcomes is a good thing. The way that 'mutually' is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> achieved or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> generated is the problematic aspect in my view.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/2/26 James <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I've been wondering, what was scary about seeking mutually
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> beneficial
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> outcomes gabby? Seems I'm a master at the failed followup. :p
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 2/25/2013 2:40 PM, gabbydott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh, yes, that's of course a good point!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2013/2/25 archytas <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have large scale versions in the UK - the muck is treated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pathogens removed. It was once called night soil here. Quite
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> precautions are taken in India is a bit scary. My point
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> largely
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concerns the possibility of a 40% fertiliser reduction and how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more examples could be drawn into an economic plan. Fishing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gear
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being changed to do less damage to the sea bed and reduce the
>> ...
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