Thursday, January 3, 2013

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Motive

Kindly substitute ' matter ' for ' unconscious' with reference to
promptings to will.

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 7:39 AM, RP Singh <> wrote:
> Neil , we know what we are doing but in some cases what we believe our
> motives for those actions to be are not so , rather the real motives
> are exact opposites and are buried in the unconscious traceable by the
> psychoanalysts. The promptings to the ' will ' arise from the ' grey
> matter ' which is unconscious, and we ourselves arise from the same.
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 4:01 AM, archytas <> wrote:
>> Do we think a body human if it doesn't know what it is doing RP? Part
>> of judgement is allowing for mistakes.
>> On 2 Jan, 17:31, RP Singh <> wrote:
>>> Psychologists say that a person's conscious motives are not the real
>>> determinants of behavior but one's real motives lie in the unconscious and
>>> one is not aware of them. A person who is obsessed with cleanliness is
>>> ostensibly a very clean person but in reality he has strong instinctive sex
>>> drive which get repressed as he cannot accept them.
>>> The question is that are we to judge ourselves or judged by others for our
>>> behavior by the conscious motives or the repressed unconscious motives ?
>>> Clearly we cannot be judged for factors of which we are not even aware even
>>> though they are the real determinants of our actions.
>>> The question now arises of our will , is our will free ? Consciously we are
>>> free , we think and act as we want , we can open or close our hand freely.
>>> So , we have freedom of choice , and if our will is bound by unconscious
>>> determinants we cannot be held accountable for them. If unconsciously we
>>> are selfish and consciously generous , it is our generosity for which we
>>> can be judged and not the unconscious motive. So , the phantom of Bondage
>>> evaporates into thin air !
>> --



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