Saturday, July 28, 2012

Re: Mind's Eye Re: Politics

Rigsy  I did not write the piece....   I was looking at the different political groups.. this showed up with a note that it was not to be archived  thought it was interesting so I passed it on.

The problem wit your blame game theory is all the piece did was put the blame where it belonged..

Yes Rigsy..  tricked into spending,,  well let us then look at a very recent times,, like the Iraq war.. the American people were "TRICKED" into it buy the political parties  they were lied to about the chemical weapons and the nuclear weapons,,

What you are saying is the American people jumped into this war and the cost of trillions of Dollars well over a 1/3 million needless deaths..  Get real Rigsy and take off the blinders,,  The American People were conned by slick talking hucksters and are trying to be set up again by another slick talking Huckster..

On Jul 28, 2012 10:09 PM, "rigsy03" <> wrote:
Wasn't the socialism of FDR saved by WWII?//Consumers and companies
are not going to be tricked into spending until they find out what's
going to happen to taxes, inflation, Europe, the Muddle East, oil,
crops>dust bowl?, etc.//Really Allan, the blame game of the extreme
fringes of Reps and Dems is pathetic.

On Jul 28, 12:29 pm, Allan H <> wrote:
> I was looking through the groups and found this on a republican party group
> slated to be removed in 6 days and not to be archived..   I did not right
> this.
> Allan
> Could that be because of the near total collapse of the national
> economy, the loss of 40% of the middle class wealth, the attacks on
> women, workers, elderly by the GOP since the late 80's?
> >==============================================
>  Perhaps it is a little unfair to George W. Bush to name it that,
> perhaps a more accurate term would be the Reagan/Bush Economic
> Disaster. Though the damage all came to a head this day one year ago,
> it was set in place by the bill of goods sold to the American People
> by smooth talking right wing pitch man Ronald Reagan in 1980.
> Reaganomics once refereed to as "voodoo economics" by George H. W.
> Bush was put in place that eventually lead to the disaster of last
> year.
> The Republicans sold the American people on a concept that if you take
> away all regulations, all responsibility and all oversight, the market
> will protect us naturally. That if you make the rich wealthier, the
> benefits will trickle down to the rest of the nation. What happened
> instead is the rich did indeed get richer. Meanwhile the numbers of
> the poor increased, and the middle class shrunk. For the first time in
> our nations history average incomes went down yet the wealth of he
> nation was concentrated in fewer and fewer people's pockets. To
> further complete the redistribution of wealth, those who's greed and
> irresponsible behavior got rich, also were given tax breaks. The
> burden increased again on the poor and middle class.
> Then came George W. Bush. Not only did he continue the Reaganomics
> policies but added to them. He passed laws to protect credit card
> companies from its own customers allowing them unfettered control over
> interest rates, fees and collections. The Bush Administration then
> took away the teeth of the bankruptcy protection laws making it harder
> for the middle class who came upon hard times to recover. Then the
> death blow, George W Bush and a Republican Congress for 6 out of his 8
> years in office took our budget from a surplus to a 17 trillion
> deficit. Throwing away money on a war of choice, and more tax cuts for
> the wealthy again leaving 95% of Americans behind.
> Jobs left, opportunity left, false wealth exploded, risk exploded,
> oversight and regulation was non existent. And as always happens
> sooner or later when irresponsible behavior rules it came time to pay
> the piper. So one year ago that was clearly evident to all with the
> collapse of Lehman Brothers. \line\line So what has happened in the
> year since. Well good news and bad news. George W. Bush is out of
> office and our new President Barack Obama, took quick and decisive
> action to stop the bleeding. Many banks were saved, The stock market
> had recovered 50% of its losses since last September. The amount of
> job loss has been reduced. An auto industry who's collapse would have
> cost millions more jobs was averted. Home sales are up, home values
> are up. Cash for Clunkers gave a huge shot in the arm to the auto
> industry. Finally the middle class got a tax cut.
> But now the bad news. The lack of rules and oversight left over from
> the Reagan/Bush economic voodoo has not been corrected. Though we put
> some oil in the car to prevent the blowing of the engine at the last
> minute, we continue to drive and treat the engine the same way which
> will lead to another disaster sooner or later. No new regulations have
> been implemented, no major change in oversight, and the wealth is even
> more consolidated then before. In fact 3 of every $10 invested in
> banks or securities in this nation are held in one of 4 very large,
> very risky institutions.
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.




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