On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:15 AM, Allan H <allanh1946@gmail.com> wrote:
I am actually finding it quite interesting with a lot of potential.. as it is really just getting started.. You can earn stock by participating or buy some stock (start up funds).. I am learning the system and it seems to be working.. and input can be placed they are trying to create a democratically controlled social net work..I like Zurker so far some good Why not Click the link and try it.. joining cost nothingAllanOn Wed, May 2, 2012 at 5:49 PM, gabbydott <gabbydott@gmail.com> wrote:
This looks terrible, Allan! They ask to "join the fun" and on the same page they speak of "ownership" (whatever that means in bubble world), which means you have obligations, they speak of " evil business decisions are less likely to stick " and " we can easily develop a better application than our rivals ", which means competition is turned into a quasi-religious quest. A waste of precious time, if you ask me.
On Monday, April 30, 2012 9:22:54 AM UTC+2, Allan Heretic wrote:Vam made a post on Google Plus and it was an invitation to Zurkers..I have never been a big fan of face book or Google + .. and I am hoping this will be different,, and is owned by the users which I think is a good idea.. right now it is in a Beta testing phase and the only way you can join is by invitation,,, so I am sending every one an invitation via this link http://www.zurker.eu/i-27144-ixigwtsjdf As I know I am bending the rules beyond the breaking point it will not be repeated.. I hope to see you thereAllanMods.. I think this actually good has potential and possible a second meeting ground. I will not repeat the message on the group and if anyone wants a or loses this invite they can get it be contacting me..Allan--
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()|_D AllanLife is for moral, ethical and truthful living.
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