Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mind's Eye Re: Spirituality

Long time- No see! The lure of the doctrine of predetermination is to
pass the buck of responsiblity elsewhere...the Devil made me do it,
etc. It may also reflect a human need to distinguish themselves from
the instinctual behaviors in the other kingdoms of life- from mammals
to the simplest forms- whereas the predator/prey reality, basic needs
of survival and other adaptations to being alive are also present/
active for humans. But if we float a flimsy doctrine that has the
hubris to claim it knows the mind of God/gods, it seems humans
throughout history are dying to believe it's true...literally. Oddly,
there does seem to be forces beyond human control and intent that
"pays the piper" for evil and stupid behavior/choices- we could call
that force God- or Fate- or Justice- or karma?

On May 9, 5:59 am, Lee Douglas <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, 1 May 2012 16:50:20 UTC+1, RP Singh wrote:
> > As everything is predetermined it follows that everything is done by the
> > spirit , which makes all actions spiritual. But that has no meaning , so we
> > may say that that the word spiritual is obsolete and we should distinguish
> > between good actions and bad actions , good people and bad people ,
> > scrupulous people and the unscrupulous. Also the definition of the good and
> > bad changes from clime to clime , but generally the definition of good and
> > bad is universal if you look at it with a humanitarian eye. Thus spirit ,
> > being all-encompassing, goes into the background.
> More importantly if everything is predetermined then why even speak of good
> and bad, scrupulous or unscrupulos?


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