Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Re: Mind's Eye Facebook IPO rip-off?

Most women I know consider the founder creepy and haven't signed on-
one, an artist, advised to get "out there" to boost sales and name
recognition. Someone has been trying to get me on a business social
group but I haven't taken it up since they decided I was a "free
lance"- whatever that is!

On Feb 1, 12:46 am, Allan H <> wrote:
> the only reason I use face book now is because my daughter is ther and it
> is how I keep track of what is happening in her life..
> I like the new EU laws that require these massive companies to turn over
> all information they have on  you on request..  and also have to delete all
> information  also on request.. will glad when they take effect..
> The companies don't like the fines involved if they don't comply.
> Allan
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 12:50 AM, archytas <> wrote:
> > The selling point of Facebook is supposedly the "lock-in" it has one
> > you as a customer because your friends are there.  I can't really be
> > bothered with it because so many people I don't want to know are
> > there!  And all the spam and dire else that comes with the Internet.
> > I do shop online, but that's largely because I don't like shops and
> > shopping - plus some stuff is much cheaper than my 'local' chain-
> > store.
> > What I'd like to be able to do is buy in advance direct from
> > manufacturers in an environment  of peer review on quality and
> > service.  One can easily imagine a kind of auction service for such in
> > which I put up what I want and manufacturers and service suppliers
> > could bid to fulfill my needs and that of my agreed collective.  I'd
> > want fellow members to be able to control and advertising and for a
> > collective representation if things go wrong.
> > The technology to run Facebook is hardly a barrier to entry.  My idea
> > would be to undercut retailing through a new logistic model that would
> > not involve the collective auction becoming a retailer or holding
> > stock.  One example is Green Metropolis which just takes a fee on
> > books held by members and sold through its site.
> > I think a lot of fingers will get burned over Facebook.  I wonder if
> > there is an alternative that would not be concerned with retailing and
> > all its gimmicks?  I've never responded to a Google ad so far and
> > suspect there must be a better way to source essentials.
> --
>  (
>   )
> |_D Allan
> Life is for moral, ethical and truthful living.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


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