Saturday, October 1, 2011

[Mind's Eye] Re: WELCOME (and request for suggestions as to what to put here)

I've reposted the Guidelines (Orn sent them to me.) Let's put the
little push pin to it and make it a top discussion (how is that
done?) Until we come up with new ones, having the ones we all know is
better than nothing.

On Sep 30, 11:54 pm, archytas <> wrote:
> I've taken down the two fixed messages at the head of discussions.
> They had lost relevance and the link wasn't working.  We should really
> discuss what we want here as a group, so I'll invite suggestions
> here.  I never got used to new google groups myself, but I guess we
> should think on that as well.
> 1.I take it no one wants spam other than as a capital banning offence.
> 2. I'm much less concerned than rude words than most, but even I don't
> want to see them in personal attack or in torrents (boring).
> 3. Rules work best when they are tolerant.  Manners often aren't.
> So what would we want to see at the top of discussions?    I hope we
> don't have to make a big deal out of it, but let's see.


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